CNK w flowersWelcome to another day in paradise!

It`s a whole new year and that always gets me philosophical: Where have we come from, where are we going…what have I done?

2010 is a very exciting year, one we have been eagerly awaiting for oh so long. it’s a good round number, has strong cultural significance, and well it just feels old. two thousand and ten years! Wow, that’s a big deal for us modern day Homo sapien sapiens. even though I must admit there are quite a few things I am not too impressed we haven`t figured out yet. You would think two thousand and ten years would be enough time to solve even the big mysteries of life, let alone the small ones. Whatever it is you wish we creatures had found a solution for already, just fill in the blank here: it`s the year 2010 and you`d think by now somebody would have found a way to___. (I, of course, have some thoughts but I`ll keep them to myself.)

I am digressing and we really don’t have any time for that, do we?  It´s January, the season is in full swing and there is just too much to do in paradise to be sitting around staring at the ocean, pondering the mysteries of life. But a soft breeze is blowing and the ruffling of a palm frond is catching my eye, and off in the distance a shaft of sunlight is illuminating some emerald green patch of hillside…and there I go, distracted again.

What was I saying?  Too much to do? Palm trees? January 2010 A.D. …two thousand… ah yes! This month we acknowledge thousands of years of human history and take a trip to the archeology Museum of Zihuatanejo.

We also honor our Top Ten commitment and bring you the Top 10 rules for building your dream home in Mexico, and we start a two-part series on exotic tropical fruit, because there´s just too many delicious fresh fruits out there to fi t into one issue, plus many non-edible delights for your peruse-ment and amusement.

We hope 2010 is a great year for you and yours, and we hope you`ll come out and help us celebrate ADiP`s 10 year anniversary at the I-Z Community Fair Fiesta on January 15, at the archeology Museum of the Costa Grande.

Until next time,
catherine signature






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