First presentation of AUTHORS IN ZIHUA, book reading events by local authors.

–Monday, Dec. 19 at 6pm. Restaurant El Manglar on Playa La Ropa,

LINDA LEONARD- CANADIAN/ZIHUA TRAVEL AUTHOR presenting her 2 books: LIVING THE DREAM IN MEXICO is about RVing, about travel, about Mexico and her people; and LIVING THE DREAM IN EUROPE is a personal sharing of her travels and experiences while RVing for 4 months in Europe. It tells about how they planned, prepared, what it cost, where they stayed, and what they saw and experienced.


–The January presentation will be by author CAROLE STONE on Monday, Jan. 16, also at Restaurant El Manglar at 6pm. She will be presenting her 2 books of poems: LIME AND SALT and TRAVELING WITH THE DEAD.

Contact for more information or if you or someone you know would like to do a presentation.