“The greatness of a nation and it’s moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” – Mahatma Gandhi
The Society for the Protection of Animals of Zihuatanejo “Helen Krebs Posse” A.C., has concluded it’s May 16-20, 2011 Campaign of Free Animal Sterilizations with the following statistics:
95 Female dogs 96 Female cats
18 Male dogs 29 Male cats
For a Total of 240 animals operated on.
We would like to note that the greater portion of animals are female, which shows that we still need to make people aware of the need to bring male pets to be sterilized.
Consider that a pair of cats can, in seven years, procreate 509,097 kittens. Using this figure if you multiply the 136 cats recently sterilized you will see that we have prevented the possible birth of 69,237,192 felines destined to die, of sickness, accidents, or hunger and thirst.
Then consider that one pair of dogs in seven years can reproduce 5,432 puppies; when we multiply the 113 dogs sterilized in this campaign, we have prevented the births over seven years of 613,816 dogs – 70 per cent of which will have no homes.
We greatly appreciate all who care for animals and especially those who have helped these 240 animals to have a better life.
SPAZ would like to Thank:
* The organization SNAP of Houston Texas, and their manager, Susan J Lamb, Erica Johnson DVM and technical veterinarian DeWayne Gene Compton,
* The Veterinary Hospital of Dr. Raúl Reynoso of Toluca, state of Mexico, and the Veterinary Doctors, MVZ, Raúl Reynoso Chiquillo, MVZ, Sonia Padrón García y MVZ Daniela Sanchos Quirós.
* Local Veterinary Doctors:
MVZ Enrique Rodríguez Krebs, MVZ Jorge y José Ángel Macías
*And all the volunteers who generously donated their time and effort for the community. . . Celeste, Perlita, Julia, Abigail, Debbie, Karen, Iris, Betty, Carol, Vicky, Adriana, Magdaleno, Krisna, Christian,Doña Cande and special thanks to Judith Whitehead.
*And for your hospitality at La Casa Que Ve Al Mar, to Mr. Jack, Mrs. Meriann, and the Hendersons, and at La Ceiba on La Ropa, Ann and Anne.
For more information or to find out how you can help alleviate the suffering of animals in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo contact:
Cristina and Natalia Rodríguez Krebs
Society for the protection of Animals of Zihuatanejo, “Helene Krebs, Posse”, A.C. – HUMANE SOCIETY OF ZIHUATANEJO, GRO. MEXICO
Since 1982, fighting for the rights of animals and working to end animal cruelty and unnecessary suffering in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo.
Telephone (52) 755-1121648
- Zihuatanejo Mayor, Alejandro Bravo, Magdaleno Flores, Natalia & Cristina Rodriguez
- SPAZ Members Enrique, Natalia,Cristina, KrisNatalia, Christian & Magdaleno
- Dr. Erica Johnson of SNAP
- Volunteer Julia Sumner and new friend